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Language peer sets for GCLA II:
Designed 1992
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War
Experimental and other
Experimental and other/1992
Experimental and other/se

GCLA II(ID:5528/gcl005)

alternate simple view
Country: Sweden
Designed 1992
Sammet category: Experimental and other

Prolog dialect from SICS

from Falkman (93):
"GCLA II is perhaps best described as a logical programming language, with some properties usually found among functional languages, and it includes hypothetical and non-monotonic reasoning as integral parts, which makes it easy to handle hypothetical queries, negation and AI-techniques like simulation and planning in a natural way. It also makes implementation of reasoning in knowledge-based systems (KBS) more direct than in Prolog"

Related languages
GCLA GCLA II   Evolution of

  • Aronsson, Martin (1992) Aronsson, Martin "Methodology and Programming Techniques in GCLA II" SICS R92-05 Abstract
  • Aronsson, Martin (1993) Aronsson, Martin "Implementational Issues in GCLA: A-Sufficiency and the Definiens Operation" SICS R93-02 1993 Abstract
  • Aronsson, Martin (1993) Aronsson, Martin "Implementational Issues in GCLA: Compiling Control" SICS R93-05 1993 Abstract
  • Aronsson, Martin (1993) Aronsson, Martin "Planning the Construction of a Building" SICS R93-03 1993 Abstract
  • Falkman, Göran and Jonas Warnby (1993) Falkman, Göran and Jonas Warnby "Technical Diagnosis of Telecommunication Equipment - An Implementation of a Task specific Problems solving method (TDFL) using GCLA II" SICS R93-01 1993 Abstract
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